[plt-scheme] Replace & Find in v4.1

From: Robert Matovinovic (robert.matovinovic at web.de)
Date: Thu Aug 14 12:08:48 EDT 2008

I run DrScheme, version 4.1 [3m] on Windows XP and wonder where to activate
Replace & Find. The button in the search dialog doesn't react and the menu
items in the edit menu are grey. I looked up Preferences ... and Help Desk
but I couldn't find any hint. What am I missing? If it is not a bug the
switch should be in a more obvious place.

Robert Matovinovic
Wintererstr. 61
79104 Freiburg
Tel:    +49 (0)761 51 93 544
Cell:   +49 (0)171 56 32 330
email: robert.matovinovic at web.de

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