[plt-scheme] Text field font troubles
I am using MrEd to write a program with a GUI that contains a text
field to send feedback to the user. I would like to be able to insert
segments of colored text into the text field, but I am running into a
roadblock because I do not fully understand how styles work.
Here is some example code to demonstrate what I have tried so far. The
documentation does not seem to make it much clearer than this:
#lang scheme/gui
(define main-window
(new frame%
[label "Window"]
[width 500]
[height 500]))
(define editor (new text%))
(define canvas
(new editor-canvas%
[parent main-window]
[editor editor]))
;; insert-red-text : String editor<%> -> Void
;; Inserts red text into the editor.
(define (insert-red-text str ed)
(let* ([snip (make-object string-snip% str)]
[style (send snip get-style)]
[delta (make-object style-delta%)]
[newdelta (send delta set-delta-foreground "Red")])
(send style set-delta newdelta)
(send snip set-style style)
(send ed insert snip)))
(send main-window show #t)
(send editor insert "Regular text...")
(insert-red-text "Red text..." editor)
The idea behind insert-red-text is to create a new snip% object,
change its style to have a different color, and then insert the snip
into the editor. I am not having luck getting it to work. The function
inserts the text, but only in the default font.
Any help would be much appreciated.
- Sky O.