[plt-scheme] datum->syntax rules
Hi -
are there specific rules that governs the choice of context to
datum->syntax? I'm finding that the choices of the context impacts whether
the name can be captured, and are not seeing what the issues are...
Below are two versions of `if-it` - the first version works with #'_, but
the second version cannot work with it (it works with #'test).
Any pointers are appreciated, thanks.
(define-syntax (if-it stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ test then else)
(with-syntax ((it
(datum->syntax #'_
#'(let ((it test))
(if it test else))))))
(if-it '(abc def) it 'nil) ;; works
(define-syntax (if-it1 stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ test then else)
(with-syntax ((it
(datum->syntax #'_ ;; doesn't work... works if replaced
with #'test
#'(let ((it test))
(if it then else)
(if-it1 '(abc def) it 'nil) ;; => reference to undefined identifier: it
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