[plt-scheme] DrScheme not present in the Appication Menu in Ubuntu
1. Right-click on the application menu and choose Edit Menus.
2. Choose the Programming section and choose New Item. Here are the
settings I have:
Type: Application
Name: DrScheme
Command: /usr/local/bin/drscheme
Comment: (put whatever you'd like here)
Icon: /usr/local/lib/plt/collects/icons/PLT-206.png
On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 02:44 -0700, Day wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> I downloaded the .sh for Ubuntu from your Official cite and
> succeeded installing it on my Ubuntu laptop. But after installation, I
> can not find a shortcut for DrScheme in the Application Menu. In fact
> that's not a big problem since I can run it from the terminal. It's
> Ok. But I just want to know how to add an shortcut into the AM. Or is
> it a bug? Any idea?
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