[plt-scheme] removing a package

From: Ronny (plt-scheme at develo.biz)
Date: Mon May 28 02:37:30 EDT 2007

Thanks, Danny. The command line util did the trick.
Found out that "name" is something.plt not something.ss, which also helped..

I did not see that indirect hint...


Danny Yoo wrote:
>> another newbie question:
>> I found in helpdesk this method for removing a previsouly installed 
>> pacage:
>>>  (remove-pkg owner name major-version minor-version) -> void
>> Removes the specified package from the local planet cache. Owner and 
>> name must be strings; major-version and minor-version must be natural 
>> numbers and major-version must be greater than zero.
> Hi Ronny,
> There's one extra thing you'll want to do.  The background context we 
> need to run that command isn't automatically "required".  Do the 
> following first:
>     (require (lib "util.ss" "planet"))
> which will load in the util.ss library from the "planet" collection. 
> This is indirectly hinted since the header of that section of the help 
> page names the util.ss file.
>> However, the remove-pkg does not seem to be recognized as a command. 
>> I am sure someone has a very simple answer to this one, I just can't 
>> seem to find it... This is what I get: reference to undefined 
>> identifier: remove-pkg
> Another way to do this is to use the command-line "planet" utility if 
> you have access to the command line.  If you search for the term "The 
> planet command-line tool" (which is on the same help page as the one 
> you were looking at, but around the middle of the page), you should 
> see the documentation on it.
> Good luck to you!

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