[plt-scheme] contracts.ss: Can you disable them at runtime?

From: Robby Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Thu May 17 10:17:53 EDT 2007

Looks like Dave's package is duplicating the code for the contracts.
Maybe some complaints should be directed that way :)


On 5/17/07, Richard Cobbe <cobbe at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 08:44:22AM -0500, Robby Findler wrote:
> >  Have you tried the "run mzc -k on my main file before each run" style
> >  of development? Did you find it too slow then too? (DrScheme will
> >  eventually (not soon, but eventually) do that kind of development for
> >  you automatically, which is why I ask.)
> Yes, but that means I don't get backtraces and other debugging aids.
> If DrScheme is going to do that automatically, then I'd like to vote,
> emphatically, for the bug that Ryan Culpepper submitted several months ago
> in which he asked for various improvements to mzc.  (I'd cite the bug
> number, but gnats isn't responding right now, so I can't look it up.)
> I'll even go so far as to say that implementing automatic byte-code
> compilation without addressing the issues in that bug report would largely
> defeat the significant effort that PLT has put into debugging aids and
> error reporting.
> >  Also I hope you know that I did make the contracts generate much less
> >  code a while back (speeding that up) -- I hope you're not remembering
> >  old experiences?
> It's possible; the most recent big problem would have been in January or
> February.  I don't have the ability to check the actual compilation-time
> experience in DrScheme right now, but as a rough indication, I did just
> mzc-k one of the files for which this problem was most severe.  The .ss is
> 16K, the .zo is 784K.  When I disabled contracts [1] on the biggest set of
> structure definitions, the .zo dropped to 125K.
> Richard
> [1]  I'm using the define-hierarchy/provide/contract form from Dave
>      Herman's struct.plt planet package.  He provides a
>      (without-hierarchy-contracts ...) form to disable contracts on the
>      generated structures for precisely the reason that we're discussing.
>      In the experiment above, I disabled contracts by adding this form to
>      the file.
> I recognize that a more rigorous experiment would involve removing the
> define-hierarchy/provide/contract form and defining the hierarchy manually,
> to remove one potential source of inefficiency.  Unfortunately, I don't
> have time to investigate that further right now.  I'll happily make the
> structure definitions available for those who want to look into this.
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