[plt-scheme] Wake on Lan in Scheme
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Here's the code for the wake-on-lan!
(require (lib "pregexp.ss"))
(define port 57111)
(define s (udp-open-socket "" port))
(define MACs (list
;string->bytes : string(representing a mac address) ->
byte string of the same
(define (string->bytes mac)
(apply bytes-append (map string->bytes/utf-8
(pregexp-split ":" mac))))
;(string->bytes "00:13:72:A2:A6:76") #"001372A2A676"
;repeat: string (mac address) -> string (with
repetition n times)
(define (repeat mac n)
[(= n 0) ""]
(string-append mac (repeat mac (sub1 n)))]))
;magic-packet: string (mac address) -> bytes
(define (magic-packet mac)
(let ((mac (string->bytes (repeat mac 16))))
(bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 "FFFFFFFFFFFF")
(define (wol-packet from to)
(bytes-append (string->bytes to)
(string->bytes from)
(string->bytes/utf-8 "0842") ;packet
type is 0x0842
(magic-packet to)))
(udp-send-to s "pc03" port (wol-packet (list-ref MACs
11)(list-ref MACs 3)))
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