[plt-scheme] ICFP07 Final CFP & Note from the Program Chair

From: Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair) (icfp.publicity at googlemail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 13 12:32:46 EDT 2007

                             Call for Papers
      ICFP 2007: International Conference on Functional Programming
                   Freiburg, Germany, 1-3 October 2007

Important Dates
Submission:        11:00 6 April 2007, Samoa time (AST)
Author response:   11:00 23 May to 11:00 25 May 2007 (AST)
Notification:      8 June 2007
Final papers due:  20 July 2007

                     Note from the ICFP07 Program Chair

As the April 6 deadline for ICFP approaches, we thought it might be
useful to call potential authors' attention to several significant
points in the Call for Papers, the full text of which can be found at


Experience Reports
This year ICFP is soliciting a new category of paper: the Experience Report.
An Experience Report is a short paper of 2--4 pages.  Unlike a normal ICFP
paper, it is not intended to add to the body of *knowledge* of the
functional-programming community. Rather, each Experience Report will add to
a body of published, refereed, citable *evidence* that functional programming
really works--or will describe obstacles that prevented it from working.

Double-blind review
A reviewer's attitude toward a submission may be affected, even
unconsciously, by the identity of the author.  Our reviewers want to be able
to approach each submission without such involuntary reactions as ``Peyton
Jones; he writes a good paper'' or ``Who are these people?  I have never
heard of them.''  We especially want to ensure that work submitted by
newcomers to our community gets the same careful consideration and scrutiny
as the work of our best-known people.  We are therefore requesting that
authors make it possible for their submissions to be reviewed without forcing
the reviewers to know who the authors are.  Once all reviews are written,
identities will be revealed at the PC meeting.

For authors, this process should be simple:

  * Omit authors' names from your title page (or list them as ``omitted for
    submission''), and when you cite your own work, please make it difficult
    to figure out exactly who you are, even if a reviewer might be able to
    make a good guess.

  * If your submission is supported by other material, such as a technical
    report containing lengthy proofs, please do not cite this material on
    the web---instead, submit a zip file including both your paper and the
    technical report.

Detailed guidelines can be found at http://icfp07.eecs.harvard.edu/blind.html

Firm length limit; no appendices
The 12-page limit (for full papers) and 4-page limit (for Experience Reports)
are *firm*.  Papers exceeding these limits will be rejected summarily by the
program chair.  If an author wishes to include an appendix which would put
the main submission over the limit, the appendix must be submitted as a
separate document, in a zip file with the main submission.  It is understood
that the reviewers' only obligation is to read the main submission;
material beyond the 12-page limit may well go unread.

Other details
We are encouraging author-date citations (Peyton Jones and Wadler 1993)
rather than the default numbered citations [27].  LaTeX users can
\usepackage{natbib} and \bibliographystyle{plainnat}.

The submission deadline is late morning Samoan time, but in many times zones
of interest, this is equivalent to late afternoon or early evening.

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