[plt-scheme] Unnecessary use of letrec?

From: Robby Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 15 10:40:09 EDT 2007

On 6/15/07, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
> Grant Rettke skrev:
> > Do most folks using mzscheme or DrS just go ahead and use the correct
> > form according to R5RS or instead rely on how it works in mz or DrS?
> Old habits die hard - so I usually follow R5RS, but since
> R6RS will adopt letrec* semantics for letrec, it isn't terrible
> important.

PS, just as a clarification of my earlier message: while it is quite
difficult to write practical programs that do what you want and only
require what R5 provides (dare I say "impossible"?), it is not nearly
as hard (altho still difficult) to write programs that do what you
want and work in some small N number of implementations.


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