[plt-scheme] Dynamic menu-item% callback assignment?
On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Greg Johnston wrote:
> I'm using very modular MVC to create a GUI for a program. As such,
> it's not really possible to create the callbacks for menu-item%s when
> the objects are created. According to the MrEd manual, this is when
> callbacks are created, unfortunately.
> Is there any way to assign a callback later, or do I need to work around
> this?
Hi Greg,
Yes; I have a small example of this in:
Here's the example:
(module sample-gui mzscheme
(require (lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "etc.ss"))
(define view%
(class frame%
(init [label "test"])
(super-new [label label])
;; The entry callback here does nothing until it's rewired
;; by the controller.
(define (entry-callback text-field control-event)
(define/public (set-entry-callback! f)
(set! entry-callback f))
(define entry-field
(new text-field%
[label "entry: "]
[parent this]
[callback (lambda args
(apply entry-callback args))]))
(define result-field
(new text-field%
[label "result: "]
[parent this]
[enabled #f]))
(define/public (get-entry-field)
(define/public (get-result-field)
(define controller%
(class object%
[init model]
[init view]
(define entry (send view get-entry-field))
(define result (send view get-result-field))
(define (entry-callback field event)
(define (is-enter? event)
(symbol=? 'text-field-enter
(send event get-event-type)))
(when (is-enter? event)
(define (update-result)
(let* ([entry-str (send entry get-value)]
[entry-num (string->number entry-str)])
(cond [entry-num
(send result set-value
(number->string (model entry-num)))]
(send result set-value
(format "~a: not number" entry-str))])))
(send view set-entry-callback! entry-callback)))
(define (simple-squaring-gui)
(let ([model (lambda (n) (* n n))]
[view (new view% [label "Squares"])])
(let ([controller (new controller%
[model model]
[view view])])
(send view show #t)))))
Best of wishes!