[plt-scheme] FrTime implementation
On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 13:45 -0500, Matt Jadud wrote:
> Hi Dave, Greg,
> On Dec 3, 2007 11:28 AM, Gregory Cooper <greg at cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> > If you want to talk in more detail about the interface you're looking
> > to define and how best to use FrTime, feel free to contact me
> > directly.
> I'm on both the Fluxus and PLT Scheme lists, because... well, Fluxus
> represents a very cool environment built on top of my favorite Scheme.
> And someday, I hope to have the free time to 1) seriously play with
> Fluxus, and 2) teach a course where Fluxus plays a critical part,
> perhaps in conjunction with some cool peeps in a music department.
> That said, if the conversation about lifting an existing, substantial
> project into a functional reactive paradigm in PLT Scheme could happen
> in the open, I think that would be great. There would be much to be
> learned just by being able to follow the conversation.
Thanks guys, I have something rudimentary working - but I still don't
really understand enough about the basics, so I'm going to read up on it
a little.
As I'm going to have to hide all the statefulness of the game engine
(which is partly the point) I think it's going to be best to figure out
a new interface for doing this. At the moment it's very much based on
animation.ss (some code below). One odd thing I notice is that the
second make-torus gets called every millisecond even though it's only
dependant on seconds. Not a big deal - but is this something I'm doing
(module frflux (lib "frtime.ss" "frtime")
(require (lib "match.ss")
(as-is:unchecked (lib "lang-ext.ss" "frtime") lift)
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "list.ss" "frtime")
(lib "etc.ss" "frtime")
(lib "math.ss" "frtime")
(lib "mzscheme-core.ss" "frtime")
(prefix flx: (lib "drflux.ss" "fluxus-0.14")))
(all-from (lib "drflux.ss" "fluxus-0.14"))
(all-from (lib "mzscheme-core.ss" "frtime")))
(define-struct cube (tr rt sc col))
(define-struct torus (tr rt sc col))
(define (draw-list a-los)
(($ cube tr rt sc col)
(flx:translate tr)
(flx:rotate rt)
(flx:scale sc)
(flx:colour col)
(($ torus tr rt sc col)
(flx:translate tr)
(flx:rotate rt)
(flx:scale sc)
(flx:colour col)
[(? undefined?) (void)]
[(? list? x) (draw-list x)]
[(? void?) (void)])
(define (top-level-draw-list a-los)
(draw-list a-los))
(define l (new-cell empty))
(define (display-shapes x)
(set-cell! l x))
(define d (lift #t top-level-draw-list l))
(require frflux)
(define clock (* milliseconds 1))
(vector 0 0 0)
(vector (* 0.1 (modulo clock 3600))
(* 0.23 (modulo clock 3600))
(* 0.4 (modulo clock 3600)))
(vector 1 5 1)
(vector 1 1 0))
(vector 0 0 0)
(vector (* 0.1 (modulo clock 3600))
(* 0.2 (modulo clock 3600))
(* 0.4 (modulo clock 3600)))
(vector 2 2 2)
(vector 0 1 1))
(vector 4 0 0)
(vector 0 (* 10 (modulo seconds 100)) 0)
(vector 1 1 1)
(vector 1 1 1))