[plt-scheme] Theorem Prover
Hi Erich,
> Another question: Has anyone on the list found a smart trick to look in
> Google for programs implemented in Scheme. Using "mysearchterm Scheme"
> produces just about anything about mysearchterm, since everyone uses the
> word "scheme" at one place or another. It seems to me that the name of
> the programming language wasn't a very wise choice with that respect,
> but to be fair, who could have anticipated Google and Altavista in the
> 70s. ;-) I usually add "PLT", "mzscheme", or "R5RS", but always fear I
> miss some search results.
Search for Scheme file extensions:
scm, ss, sch
If you use the Google Source Search then add this to beginning
of your query:
Also instead of searching for r5rs search for words you known
to be present in the source. Such as "lambda" and "define"
( -defun makes sure you don't get Common Lisp source).
Jens Axel Søgaard