[plt-scheme] Where is ICFP 06 being held, exactly?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 17 09:27:39 EDT 2006

Downtown at the mariott waterfront, on the ballroom level.

Robby (via Matthias's email)

On Sep 17, 2006, at 2:57 AM, Jim Blandy wrote:

> I'm very sorry for the noise.  Where is the Scheme Workshop being  
> held, exactly?
> The ICFP '06 web site (along with the Scheme Workshop page's "Hotel
> Information" link) seems to be dead.  I live in Portland, so I didn't
> bother to look up the exact location of the conference until the last
> minute.  Now it seems that all pages that might tell me where it is
> are down.
> If someone attending the conference could let me know where it is, I
> would be very grateful.  Please reply directly to me, unless you think
> there could possibly be someone else in my position.
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