[plt-scheme] web-server with a single servlet

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Sep 8 12:26:52 EDT 2006

The web-server does not support this out of the box. In the olden
days, the `/servlets' URL was quite stamped into the system and I've
been slowly working to get it out.

What went wrong with the mod_proxy? I do a similar thing and don't
know what the problem with large files is (you can have Apache serve
them). Also, you can look at the dispatcher API and write your on
web-config unit and make a URL rewriter for the web-server. If you
want to go on this route, I can guide you a bit more.


On 9/7/06, Dave Gurnell <d.j.gurnell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> A question about configuring web-server (WS):
> I would like to use WS in a slightly non-standard configuration: I
> want a single servlet to respond to *all* requests to a particular
> port on a machine. For example, if I'm running my server on localhost
> port 8080, I want all requests to:
>    http://localhost:8080
>    http://localhost:8080/abc
>    http://localhost:8080/def
>    http://localhost:8080/ghi/jkl
> and so on to go to the same servlet. I only have one servlet, and I'm
> quite happy to serve static content by getting it to pipe files back
> to the user.
> After looking at the docs and source, I don't think WS can be
> configured to behave in this way: from what I understand, the name of
> the servlet file has to occur somewhere in the URL:
>    http://localhost:8080/servlets/abc.ss
> I don't want to do this because I want super-user-friendly URLs as
> entry points. I've tried using Apache and mod_proxy to translate URLs
> and forward requests to WS, but for various reasons (including
> problems with large file uploads) this has turned out to be problematic.
> Can anyone suggest a way of configuring WS in this way? Failing that,
> I may be looking at creating a hacked version of WS for this project:
> I'd appreciate any advice you can offer.
> Many thanks,
> -- Dave
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.brown.edu>

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