[plt-scheme] Developing DrScheme extension tools within PLaneT?

From: Jacob Matthews (jacobm at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 28 01:01:06 EST 2006

Hi ---

On Nov 27, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

> Unfortunately, I'm not so sure how to get 'setup-plt' to run across  
> this package alone.  When it was a collection, I used to recompile  
> it using 'setup-plt -l divascheme'.  Although I can run setup-plt  
> on my whole system as a workaround, this is time consuming when I  
> have to make regular changes to the tool.  (e.g. dealing with  
> contracts on functions.)

This has been possible for a while by directly using the unit that  
the setup-plt command-line tool eventually calls, but it hasn't had a  
convenient command-line interface.  I just added one in SVN, so as of  

$ setup-plt -P divascheme divascheme.plt 1 0

will do what you want.

Note that setup-plt -P only sets up already-installed PLaneT  
packages, it doesn't install them; the planet command-line tool is  
still what you use to download and install packages the first time.


Posted on the users mailing list.