[plt-scheme] No rule to make target l

From: Gregory Woodhouse (gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net)
Date: Wed Dec 20 10:06:21 EST 2006

I may be missing something simple here, but never having tried to  
build PLT Scheme from source, I thought I'd try it in my home  
directory first. For reference, the commands I ran (as user greg) were

   501  cd download/plt/src
   502  ./configure --prefix=/Users/greg/plt --enable-shared
   503  make
   504  history

make ran for quite a while, but finally failed as follows:

g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON - 
DINITIAL_COLLECTS_DIRECTORY='"'"`cd ./../../collects; pwd`"'"' -c ./ 
mrmain.cxx -o mrmain.o
g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON -c ./mred.cxx -o  
./mred.cxx: In function 'long unsigned int get_deeper_base()':
./mred.cxx:3795: warning: address of local variable 'here' returned
g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON -c ./mredmac.cxx -o  
g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON -o simpledrop.o - 
c ./../mac/mzscheme/simpledrop.cpp
g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON -c ./../wxcommon/ 
wxGC.cxx -o wxGC.o
g++ -I./../mzscheme/gc -I./../wxmac/include/base -I./../wxmac/include/ 
mac -I./../wxcommon -I./../a-list/c-headers/ -I./../mred/wxme/ -I./../ 
mzscheme/ -I./../mzscheme/include/  -fno-common  -fpascal-strings - 
DOPERATOR_NEW_ARRAY -DWX_USE_LIBPNG -Dwx_mac  -Wall  -g -O2 -fno- 
rtti  -DOS_X -I./../mac/mzscheme -MMD -DWX_CARBON -I../wxcommon/jpeg - 
I./../wxcommon/jpeg  -c ./../wxcommon/wxJPEG.cxx -o wxJPEG.o
cd ../wxcommon/jpeg; make libjpeg.a CC="gcc" AR="ar ruv" AR2="ranlib"
make[4]: *** No rule to make target `libjpeg.a'.  Stop.
make[3]: *** [../wxcommon/jpeg/libjpeg.a] Error 2
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [mr] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Gregory Woodhouse
gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net

"Mathematics is the science of patterns."
--Lynn Arthur Steen, 1988

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