[plt-scheme]embedded web server vs Apache [WAS: browser]
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 08:56:57AM -0400, Ben Simon wrote:
> >>>>> "HB" == Hendrik Boom <hendrik at pooq.com> writes:
> HB> While installing, I was surprised to have the installation script
> HB> offer to install a web browser for me.
> I assume you mean 'web server not 'web browser', right?
Yes. I did mean server. Typos happen at many points in the cognitive process.
-- hendrik
> HB> I declined, since I already have apache running on this system,
> HB> serving me a local copy of the Linux documentation pages.
> -Ben
> --
> Ben Simon Amazing Media, Inc.
> (703) 234-5342 (work) (703) 937-7779 (cell)
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