[plt-scheme] highlighting errors

From: jos koot (jos.koot at tiscali.nl)
Date: Sun Sep 11 09:28:57 EDT 2005

Here is an example:

file c:/scheme/highlight/hmodule.scm
(module hmodule mzscheme
 (provide h)
 (define (h) (error "h: bla bla bla")))

file c:/scheme/highlight/hmodule.callh.scm:
(require (lib "compile.ss"))
(require (lib "file.ss"))
(define highlight? #f) ; or #t
(if highlight?
 (compile-file "c:/scheme/highlight/hmodule.scm")
 (delete-file "c:/scheme/highlight/compiled/hmodule.zo"))
(require (file "c:/scheme/highlight/hmodule.scm"))

open file c:/scheme/highlight/hmodule.callh.scm and push run-button.

((((lambda(x)((((((x x)x)x)x)x)x))
   (lambda(x)(lambda(y)(x(x y)))))
  (lambda(x)(write x)x))
 "greetings, Jos")
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Axel Søgaard" <jensaxel at soegaard.net>
Cc: "PLT-list" <plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] highlighting errors

jos koot wrote:
> Hi,
> When a proc imported from a compiled module (zo-file) , calls error, the 
> form that called the proc is highlighted. When the module is not compiled, 
> the form is not highlighted. How can this be? Is this intensional? (I use 
> version 209, Pretty-big)

Can you give a concrete example?

Jens Axel Søgaard

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