[plt-scheme] is it possible to make a statically-linked executable with mzc?

From: Eric Hanchrow (offby1 at blarg.net)
Date: Sat Oct 22 13:40:41 EDT 2005

Using v299.401 on x86 Linux:

I tried 

        mzc --ldf -shared ++ldf -static --ldf-show --gui-exe maze maze.ss

which showed me

        MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 299.400, Copyright (c) 2005 PLT Scheme, Inc.
        C linker flags: ("-static")
         [output to "maze"]

but the resulting exe is still dynamically linked (according to ldd).

Am I misunderstanding something?

Raffarin said he wants to see secure Internet voting in France
by 2009, and he said if he had a homosexual son, he would love
him ...
        -- from the Chicago Tribune

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