[plt-scheme] unexpected things in .ss files
You can use the "save as text" menu in drscheme, or you can write a
program that does this conversion manually. Here it is:
(define (convert in-filename out-filename)
(let ([t (new text%)])
(send t load-file in-filename)
(send t save-file out-filename 'text)))
Alternatively, you can process the program directly as a text% object,
without losing information (saving as text loses information,
potentially. Images becomes dots, etc).
PS: did you see what happened when you right-clicked on either the
fraction or the number?
At Thu, 13 Oct 2005 15:12:47 -0400, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
> We've asked our students not to use Comment or Test Boxes because we do
> things with their code outside DrScheme, but we're still getting
> submissions with weird things in them. One of them was something that
> looked like a number, but the cursor just moves over it. I got something
> like that with Insert Fraction, but the bad example was a decimal, not a
> rational fraction. I finally duplicated the error by computing the
> number I wanted in the Interactions window, cutting the result, and
> pasting it into the Interactions window. It appears to be a snip. Is
> there any way to force pastes to just be text? Is there a simple way to
> process files to convert these type of snips to plain text? Thanks. --PR
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