[plt-scheme] continuations problem
Robby Findler wrote:
>This is a bug in drscheme. continuations jumping from the interactions
>window to the definitions window don't work right (the next interaction
>is always swallowed).
>The version in svn has been fixed.
That's great!
>At Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:11:27 +0000, Alex Fritze wrote:
>>Continuation novice question:
>>Can someone explain to me the following behaviour?
>>(define global-exit #f)
>>(call/cc (lambda (c) (set! global-exit c)))
>>(define a #f)
>>(define (foo)
>> (print 1)
>> (call/cc
>> (lambda (return)
>> (set! a return)
>> (print 2)
>> (global-exit)))
>> (print 3))
>>Welcome to DrScheme, version 299.400p1.
>> > (foo)
>> > (a)
>> > (a)
>>The first evaluation of (a) yields nothing. The second (and any
>>subsequent ones) yield '3' as I would have expected...
>>Thanks for any hints,