[plt-scheme] continuations problem
This is a bug in drscheme. continuations jumping from the interactions
window to the definitions window don't work right (the next interaction
is always swallowed).
The version in svn has been fixed.
At Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:11:27 +0000, Alex Fritze wrote:
> Continuation novice question:
> Can someone explain to me the following behaviour?
> (define global-exit #f)
> (call/cc (lambda (c) (set! global-exit c)))
> (define a #f)
> (define (foo)
> (print 1)
> (call/cc
> (lambda (return)
> (set! a return)
> (print 2)
> (global-exit)))
> (print 3))
> -------------------------------------------------
> Welcome to DrScheme, version 299.400p1.
> > (foo)
> 12
> > (a)
> > (a)
> 3
> The first evaluation of (a) yields nothing. The second (and any
> subsequent ones) yield '3' as I would have expected...
> Thanks for any hints,
> Alex
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