[plt-scheme] Crash issues with mzssl in 299.100
I was trying to write a small program using mzssl, but the ssl-accept
call kept crashing DrScheme. To check, I installed PLT 299.000
(stable), and the code ran fine. Reinstalling 299.100(alpha), it
crashed again. I'm new to scheme so I'm not so good at finding the root
of problems, but I have a minimal test case that always causes the
crash. Has anyone had luck using mzssl under 299.100, and could send me
a code snippet?
(require (lib "mzssl.ss" "openssl"))
(let ((listener (ssl-listen 9000 5 #t "")) (path (build-path
(ssl-load-certificate-chain! listener path)
(ssl-load-private-key! listener path #t #f)
(let-values (((inp outp) (ssl-accept listener)))
(display inp)
(require (lib "mzssl.ss" "openssl"))
(let ((context (ssl-make-client-context )) (path (build-path
(ssl-load-certificate-chain! context path)
(ssl-load-private-key! context path)
(let-values (((in out) (ssl-connect "" 9000 context)))
(close-output-port out)(close-input-port in) ))