[plt-scheme] Problems and Questions converting to PLaneT
I have a fix that, at least, works for my planet collection. Jacob needs to
look it over and make sure it doesn't break anything else. It also
addresses Eli's concern about not changing the info.ss language. My info.ss
file is back to the original with compile-subcollections being a list of
list of strings:
(module info (lib "infotab.ss" "setup")
(define name "PLT Scheme Science Collection")
(define blurb
(list "A collection of modules that provide functions for "
"numerical computing."))
(define categories '(scientific))
(define doc.txt "doc.txt")
(define primary-file "science-with-graphics.ss")
(define version "2.0")
(define compile-subcollections
(list (list "special-functions")
(list "random-distributions")))
The changes are limited to one routine (planet-cc->sub-cc) in the
setup-unit.ss file in the setup collection. The new definition (with
replaced statements commented out and the replacement following it):
;; this is an awful hack
(define (planet-cc->sub-cc cc subdir)
(match-let ([(('planet owner pkg-file extra-path ...) maj min)
(cc-shadowing-policy cc)])
;(build-path (cc-path cc) subdir)
(apply build-path (cc-path cc) subdir)
;(append extra-path (list (path->string subdir)))
(append extra-path (list subdir))
I guess I should suspect code that starts with such an ominous comment. :-)
With that change, the collection (and subcollections) correctly compiles
when it is installed using 'planet --file science.plt williams 2 0'.
From: plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu
[mailto:plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu] On Behalf Of Williams, M.
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 3:08 PM
To: plt-scheme
Subject: RE: [plt-scheme] Problems and Questions converting to PLaneT
Actually, I looked at the log file and now I have the following error
message related to the compilation:
setup-plt: Warning: ...tings\williamsm\Application Data\PLT
Scheme\planet\300\300\cache\williams\science.plt\2\0\info.ss:11:17: compile:
unbound variable in module in: string->path
Using the string->path fixed one problem and seems to have caused another.
From: plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu
[mailto:plt-scheme-bounces at list.cs.brown.edu] On Behalf Of Williams, M.
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:59 PM
To: plt-scheme
Subject: RE: [plt-scheme] Problems and Questions converting to PLaneT
Jacob, thanks for the answers.
One more question based on your answers.
>Now I just need to know if there is a convenient way to compile it - i.e.
something similar to compile-collection-zos when >something isn't actually
in the collection path.
>PLaneT for v300 automatically compiles .plt files when it installs them
(this is in contrast to PLaneT for v20x).
Shouldn't it also them compile the package when it's is installed using the
command line? It doesn't in this case.
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