[plt-scheme] Reasoned Schemer support

From: Iain Gray (iaingray at ednet.co.uk)
Date: Sun Dec 4 09:41:15 EST 2005

I am starting to work through the Reasoned Schemer book and have  
loaded its support files (mini-KANREN) at http:// 
kanren.sourceforge.net/ . Is there any problem with compiling this  
under PLT Scheme? Also can the full KANREN be used as it states  
"KANREN has been tested on the following Scheme systems: Petite Chez  
Scheme, Chez Scheme, SCM, Gauche." on the above website? This might  
be a candidate for future language/collection support like EOPL as it  
allows the exploration of logic/declarative programming.

Any advice or information would be appreciated.

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