[plt-scheme] ffi callback
Good point but unfortunately i have some problem.
When i do :
(require (planet "sqlite.ss" ("jaymccarthy" "sqlite.plt" 1 5)))
I got the following answer:
ffi-lib: couldn't open "/sw/lib/libsqlite3.dll"
I have tried to locate the file sqlite.ss but i have not found it
I make my try on windows XP with plt 299.100.
Some idea?
Jay McCarthy wrote:
>Still, suppose that the library call you need a callback for is the
>'sqlite_exec', look in my library for how it works, and you should see
>that you don't need to modify the foreign.ss libraries.
>On 4/24/05, Jean-François Trevien <jftrevien at free.fr> wrote:
> > For list-related administrative tasks:
> > http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> >
> I just take sqlite as an example of library to interface.
> I' m interested in the ability to interface any library, not
> particulary this one
> Jay McCarthy wrote:
> |Look on PLaneT for my sqlite library. You may want to use it, or look
> |at how it works.
> |
> |Jay
> |
> |On 4/23/05, Jean-François Trevien <jftrevien at free.fr> wrote:
> |
> |> For list-related administrative tasks:
> |> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> |>
> | hello,
> |
> | ~ I' ve begin to make some test with the 'foreign' library. But when
> | i arrive to the section ffi callback i read that:
> |
> | 'These functions are provided by the internal #%foreign, but not
> | re-provided from foreign. They are listed with brief explanations. If
> | you find any of these useful, please let us know.'
> |
> | ~ I made my test with the sqlite lib and without callback it will be
> | useless. There is a lot of C libraries that use heavily callback.
> | ~ Is there a way to activate them (modifying the source foreign.ss
> | perhaps) ?
> |
> | Thanks