[plt-scheme] .Z* files in SLaTeX

From: Robby Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 10 08:35:30 EDT 2004

At Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:13:49 -0400, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> >> Since I'm in a multifile situation (these are lecture
> >> slides/instructor-notes/condensed-handouts generated by a single file
> >> of s-exprs processed via WebIt!)
> >
> >Way cool -- sounds like a lot of fun!
> It was, really -- my introduction to Doing Something Real in Scheme,
> and a nice way to reconcile the academic staff's "Do it in Word with
> Macros on Windows" and the research faculty's "Do it in LaTeX on Unix"
> with "Do it with S-expressions, which you need to know in order to
> teach a course using Scheme, anyway." But I don't really know what I
> am doing with WebIt! macros; I just tweaked Noel Welsh's Scheme-UK web
> generator (and asked him to solve a namespace problem). Thus three
> more questions occur to me.

If you have the energy (perhaps for next year...) you might also want
to consider using slideshow:


> 1. When I read in the S-expression looking like
>    (slide title: "My Talk"
>      (p "My first point."))
>    I realized that if I used read-syntax instead of read, I would get
>    better error messages when I forget a parenthesis somewhere. 
>    Indeed, my error message now gives the position of the error, 
>    counting in characters from the beginning of the read file. 
>    Is there some way I can get it to report line and column
>    numbers, as DrScheme does with syntax errors in the Definitions
>    window? I have only the vaguest idea of what a syntax object is.

Try calling port-count-lines! on the port before reading anything from

> 2. Now, about those line- and column-numbered errors nicely reported
>    in the Interactions window. How do I get DrScheme to take me there?
>    Currently I am using binary search with the cursor, which is not
>    very effective.

If a syntax error or read error is raised, drscheme's default handler
does the highlighting.

I'm not sure about the last point.


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