[plt-scheme] send/suspend/dispatch and javascript?
With send/suspend/dispatch
<http://schemecookbook.org/view/Cookbook/WebDispatchOnLink> , is there
anyway to include the continuation URL into the arguments to a
javascript function? For example, instead of the HTML output like
<a href="http://localhost/servlets/test2.ss;id58*k1-419981834">Click
I'd like to be able to output something like this:
<a href="#"
-419981834)">Click Here</a>
But I can't get send/suspend/dispatch to expand my function name into a
continuation url if it's within the quotes for the javascript.
BTW.. Why would I want to do something like this? I'd like to take
advantage of the Avi Bryants very cool liveUpdater script
showComments=true&entry=3268075684> . For those of you who haven't
seen it, it's a javascript that lets you replace elements of the
current page. The idea is to create richer, more responsive client
interfaces by updating just those parts of the page than *need* to
change instead of reloading the whole page.