[plt-scheme] just starting, comming from j2ee

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 2 13:50:08 EST 2004

> I was assuming the PLT server wouldn't be enough, I
> was wondering more about PLT in combination with
> something else.
> I will have to build that prototype, but since I know
> close to nothing about the language, that may take
> some time.

See below.

>> You could build a mod_mzscheme alternatively. But
>> you need to know that
>> this will take away some of the advantages of
>> Scheme.
> Like what for example? REPL?

No, the interoperability between server and servlet.

>> Or you could have an Apache server forward
>> connections to a PLT server.
> Ala mod_lisp, or fastCGI? Is that what you mean?

No, I really mean running two servers. One is the Apache but it doesn't 
really do the serving. It forwards the connections to a PLT server or 
actually several of them. It may also deal with security and other 

-- Matthias

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