[plt-scheme] accessing SXML->HTML in the latest version of sxml-tools for plt-scheme

From: Terrence Brannon (metaperl at urth.org)
Date: Sun May 23 03:37:56 EDT 2004

Kirill Lisovsky wrote:

>The latest information about these ports of SSAX may be found at:
>I recommend to use
>it looks like it's stable enough.
I cannot figure out how to get this distribution to emit HTML:

(require  (lib "sxml-tools.ss" "sxml"))

(define simple
    (a (@ (href http://www.aaa.com))
       "The AAA Site")))

;;; This function returns something that is not quite HTML.
;;; I want to generate HTML that can be viewed by a browser.

(sxml:sxml->html simple)

I cannot figure out how to access the SXML->HTML function:

Welcome to MzScheme version 206, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.
 > (require (lib "sxml-to-markup.ss" "sxml"))
reference to undefined identifier: sxml->html
 > entag
 > string->goodHTML
reference to undefined identifier: string->goodhtml
 > string->goodHTML
reference to undefined identifier: string->goodhtml
 > (load "test.scm")
(("<" "a" (" " "href" "='" http://www.aaa.com "'") ">" "The AAA Site" 
"</" "a" ">"))
 > (require (lib "sxml-tools.ss" "sxml"))
 > sxml:display-fragments
reference to undefined identifier: sxml:display-fragments
 > sxml-to-markup:SXML->HTML
reference to undefined identifier: sxml-to-markup:sxml->html
 > SRV:send-reply
reference to undefined identifier: srv:send-reply

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