[plt-scheme] DrScheme on a Unix server

From: Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de Matos (pocm at netvisao.pt)
Date: Mon May 17 13:28:05 EDT 2004

> Is it possible to install DrScheme (or mzscheme) in the user home directory,
> without root privileges? 

I do that for cvs installs. Just run the configure script without any
special prefix and it will install to the directory where the drscheme
package was unpacked. It works under linux at least.


Paulo Matos

> ifconfig

Paulo J. Matos : pocm [_at_] mega . ist . utl . pt
Instituto Superior Tecnico - Lisbon
Computer and Software Eng. - A.I.
 - > http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~pocm
        -> God had a deadline...
                So, he wrote it all in Lisp!

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