[plt-scheme] DrScheme Interactions window

From: Pieter Pareit (pieter.pareit at planetinternet.be)
Date: Sun May 9 03:54:24 EDT 2004

Op zondag 9 mei 2004 03:30, schreef Connor Ferguson:

> As for my OS X, I am constantly harping on my parents telling them that it
> is absolutely vital for what I want to do with my computer that I get an
> upgrade to OS X, but they don't seem to get the point. It'll happen
> eventually, though.

If you need to run DrScheme on an mac that has no OS X, you might want to try 
linux on that machine. I don't have any experience with a particular distro 
for the mac, but you might try out Yellow Dog. Then you should have an unix 
like environment on witch you can compile DrScheme.

Nice to hear some other people are working on educative software, I also been 
creating an application to conjugate (and deconjugate) verbs. See a 
screenshot at: http://users.skynet.be/ppareit/konjue.png
While the program now is written in c++ and uses qt and verbiste [1], (I 
think) I still have some prototyping scheme code to talk to vebiste, if you 
plan on using vebiste, I could send it you.

[1] is a library to conjugate and deconjugate more that 6000 french[2] verbs
[2] it should be possible, by writing new datafiles, to make it work for other 


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