[plt-scheme] "variable not provided from module"

From: Scott Owens (sowens at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 18 13:44:38 EST 2004

I suggest putting your code into a collection either with the 
PLTCOLLECTS environment variable or by placing it in the collects 
directory.  Then you can use "setup-plt -l collection-name" to compile 

I suspect the problem below is that enough files aren't being 
re-compiled.  The setup-plt solution will make sure everything is 
re-compiled as it needs to be.  As an added bonus, no additional script 
is needed.


On Mar 18, 2004, at 10:58 AM, Guillaume Marceau wrote:

>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> What does the following error message means?
>         compile: variable not provided (directly or indirectly and at
>         the expected position) from module:
>         |,/home/gmarceau/projects/frp-debugger/jdwp| in:
>         provide/contract-contract2
> The error message disappears after I remove precompiled .zo for my
> project. I guess I am not generating them correctly. Here is the script
> I am using:
>         #!/home/gmarceau/bin/mzscheme -r
>         # mz-pre-parse.ss : generates .zo's for the target scheme 
> files.
>         (require (lib "compiler.ss" "compiler"))
>         ; main: (listof string) ->
>         (define (main args)
>           (or (directory-exists? "compiled")
>               (make-directory "compiled"))
>           ((compile-zos #f) args "compiled"))
>         (main (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))

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