[plt-scheme] Ugly hacks in slideshow?
At Mon, 21 Jun 2004 23:38:49 +0100, Paulo Jorge O. C. Matos wrote:
> Why is the title also shifted in the second slide?
Because the second test creates an item that is wider than client-w,
and your slide assembler right-aligns the title with the slide content
(after the content is superimposed with the client area). So the title
ends up on the right edge of a pict that is wider than the client area.
Finally, the result of a slide assembler is always left-aligned with
the client area), so the title gets shifted right.
Perhaps the simplest solution is to pretend that the content fits into
the client area (as assembled by `orig'):
(let ([orig (current-slide-assembler)]
[my-full-page (launder full-page)])
(lambda (title sep content)
(let* ((titlepic (if (not title)
(titlet title)))
(title-w (if (not title) 0 (pict-width titlepic))))
(inset titlepic 0 (+ 25 margin))
(orig #f sep content))
where `refocus', which is built in for v299, but can be implemented as
follows for v20x:
;; Draws like p, but the bounding box is the same as c, which
;; appears within p:
(define (refocus p c)
(let-values ([(x y) (find-lt p c)])
(let ([p (inset p
(- x) (- y (pict-height p))
(- (- (pict-width p) x (pict-width c)))
(- (pict-height c) y))])
(make-pict (pict-draw p)
(pict-width c) (pict-height c)
(pict-ascent c) (pict-descent c)
(pict-children p)))))
> Another question, made already in another thread to which I
> received no answer yet
[Answered in the other thread.]