[plt-scheme] Code for Krishnamurthi's "Swine Before Perl"

From: Bruce Butterfield (bab at entricom.com)
Date: Thu Jun 10 16:55:57 EDT 2004

Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:

> I think you do it either immediately or never, depending on which of
> the following quotes better reflects your position:
> "If I give them parens, they'll never use it, and my language will
> never get off the ground" -- then you do it immediately.
> "If I get them to use it, I can spend more time working on the hard
> parts, and eventually I can get around to slapping an infix notation
> atop it" -- anyone still waiting for M-expressions to catch on?  
> This isn't as glib as it sounds.  The quotes are really about "them"
> -- this is a function of your user-base.  Once you get a critical
> mass, then you start to care less about the marginal user.

At least for the application I mentioned, all the "hard parts" are 
already implemented in mzscheme (thanks PLT!). Obviously it is simpler 
to implement a language like Scheme in Scheme since then I can leverage 
all the transformational power of the embedding language. If your point 
is that one will never be able to build a rich language around a syntax 
that is not inherently s-expression based -- I defer to your greater 

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