[plt-scheme] naming convention for structure constructor vs. wrapper?

From: Michael Sperber (sperber at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de)
Date: Fri Jul 2 02:17:58 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Neil" == Neil W Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> writes:

>> Exactly.  The SRFI 9 implementation is a wrapper around
>> MAKE-STRUCT-TYPE.  And it's ... gasp ... somewhat portable.

Neil> I'm using SRFI-9 right now (for portability).  Worth noting is that
Neil> SRFI-9 is pretty impoverished, functionality-wise, compared to
Neil> "make-struct-type".

In what way?

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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