[plt-scheme] PLaneT and FFI

From: Daniel Pinto de Mello e Silva (daniel.silva at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Dec 31 12:29:23 EST 2004

On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 12:05:45 -0500, Sam TH <samth0 at gmail.com> wrote:
>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 11:58:38 -0500, Dave Herman <dherman at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> > > The downside here is that you don't automatically get the neccessary C
> > > libraries.  But if PLaneT solved that too, on all of our platforms, he
> > > would get the Nobel Prize instead of a degree.
> >
> > Well, if the writer of the planet library knows where the C library can
> > be downloaded from, the module could automatically download it and
> > install it in a planet subdirectory in an analogous fashion to the way
> > planet modules are downloaded.
> How would this work for packages which have binary versions only on
> some subset of our platforms?  Or packages with dependencies?  Or
> packages with installer scripts (like PLT Scheme)?  Or packages that
> needed to be compiled from source?  Or packages that wanted to run as
> their own user (like PostgreSQL)?
> The only systems (such as Debian) that have done something like that
> have required use of a standard package format,  and had to be
> installed globally installed on the system.  And have only worked on
> one OS.

Maybe have per-OS support in the setup script?

(require (planet "dpkg.ss" ("planet" "debian.plt" 1 0)))
(require (planet "apt.ss" ("planet" "debian.plt" 1 0)))
(require (planet "sudo.ss" ("planet" "debian.plt" 1 0)))
(unless (debian-package-installed? "libfoo")
  (sudo (apt-get-install "libfoo")))

Posted on the users mailing list.