[plt-scheme] 2004 Scheme Workshop: Call for Participation

From: oscar waddell (owaddell at cs.indiana.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 26 02:47:24 EDT 2004

The 2004 Scheme Workshop will be held with ICFP this September in
Snowbird, Utah.  Plans for this one-day event include presentations
of technical and experience papers as well as a report on the state
of R6RS from the R6RS Committee.

Please take a moment to read the schedule appended below and then
visit the ICFP 2004 web site to register.  It should be a useful and
fun day for anyone with an interest in Scheme or functional programming
See you in Utah,
    -Oscar Waddell
     workshop chair


                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                       2004 Scheme Workshop

                        Snowbird, Utah, USA
                         22 September 2004

 The 2004 Scheme Workshop is a forum for discussing experience with
 and future development of the Scheme programming language.  The scope
 of the workshop includes all aspects of the design, implementation,
 theory, and application of Scheme.  We encourage everyone interested
 in Scheme to participate.


 The Scheme Workshop is part of ICFP 2004.  Please see the web site of
 the parent conference for registration information:


8:30      Registration

9:00      Welcome

9:10      Scheme Documentation Tools
          Kurt Nørmark, Aalborg University

9:30      A Framework for Memory-Management Experimentation
          Stephen Carl, Wright State University

9:50      trx: Regular-Tree Expressions, now in Scheme
          Ilya Bagrak and Olin Shivers, Georiga Institute of Technology

10:10     Topsl: a Domain-Specific Language for On-Line Surveys
          Mike MacHenry, Northeastern University
          Jacob Matthews, University of Chicago

10:30     Break

11:00     Parsing Tools in Scheme
          Scott Owens and Matthew Flatt, University of Utah
          Olin Shivers and Benjamin McMullan, Georgia Tech

11:30     Compiling Java to Scheme
          Kathryn Gray and Matthew Flatt, University of Utah

12:00     Foreign Interface for MzScheme
          Eli Barzilay and Dmitry Orlovsky, Northeastern University

12:30     Lunch

14:00     Debugging Scheme Fair Threads
          Damien Ciabrini, INRIA Sophia Antipolis

14:30     Mobile Reactive Programming in ULM
          Stéphane Epardaud, INRIA Sophia Antipolis

15:00     Shift to Reset
          Chung-chieh Shan, Harvard University

15:30     Break

16:00     Cleaning up the Tower: Numbers in Scheme
          Sebastian Egner, Philips Research
          Richard Kelsey, Ember Corporation
          Michael Sperber, DeinProgramm

16:30     R6RS Status Report
          R6RS Committee


 Program committee:

    J. Michael Ashley (Beckman Coulter, Inc.)
    Danny Dubé (Université Laval)
    Robert Bruce Findler (University of Chicago)
    Richard Kelsey (Ember Corporation)
    Julia Lawall (University of Copenhagen)
    Michael Sperber (DeinProgramm)
    Olin Shivers (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    Oscar Waddell (Abstrax, Inc.)

 Steering committee:

    William D. Clinger (Northeastern University)
    Marc Feeley (University of Montreal)
    Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University)
    Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
    Dan Friedman (Indiana University)
    Christian Queinnec (University Paris 6)
    Manuel Serrano (INRIA)
    Olin Shivers (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University)

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