[plt-scheme] Executables
In my previous conversation, I was told that I can create an executable in Dr. Scheme. I found the "create executables" menu item and I used it. The only problem is, that you still need the Dr. Scheme environment installed for it to work. I would like it to be a stand alone program that can run on any computer without any other additional software installed. Is this possible to do? If so, how?
Benjamin Filippenko
Here is my previous conversation:
Yes, see the DrScheme manual about creating executables for the simple
At Thu, 26 Jun 2003 08:14:12 -0700, "Ben Filippenko" wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is it possible to convert a scheme program to a .exe file? If so, how?
> Thank you very much.
> Sincerely. Benjamin Filippenko
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is it possible to convert a scheme program to a .exe file? If so, how?
> Thank you very much.
> Sincerely. Benjamin Filippenko
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