[plt-scheme] how to debug expansions to top-level forms?
On Jun 26, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Thu, 26 Jun 2003 10:39:23 -0400, "Felix Klock's PLT scheme proxy" wrote:
> > > (expand (bind-to-vals (values 1 2 3) x y z))
> > define-values: illegal use (not at top-level) in: (define-values (x y
> > z) (values 1 2 3))
> `expand' is a function, nor a syntactic form, and it takes an
> S-expression or syntax object.
I think that I posted this once already, but it doesn't hurt to
repeat... I have the code below in my .mzschemerc, which I can use to
do stuff like this:
> (-test (when foo bar))
--> (when foo bar)
> -step
--> (if foo (begin bar))
> (-test (when foo bar))
--> (when foo bar)
> -step*
--> (if foo (begin bar))
--> (if (#%top . foo) (begin (#%top . bar)))
--> (if (#%top . foo) (begin (#%top . bar)))
--> ...
There is a `-pp', which should probbaly be the default for all of
;; Syntax debugging
;; -test or (-test) returns current syntax object as an s-expression
;; (-test foo) set current
;; (-test :this) show current
;; (-test :expand) expand current (possibly in a context)
;; (-test :expand-once) expand one step
;; (-test :expand*) expand one step repeatedly
;; (-test :pp) pprint current
(define-syntax -test
(let ((v #f)
(->datum (lambda (x) (if (syntax? x) (syntax-object->datum x) x))))
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ m)
(let ((msg #'m))
(let loop ((new (case (->datum msg)
((:this :pp) v)
((:expand) (expand v))
((:expand-once :expand*) (expand-once v))
(else msg))))
(if (eq? ':pp (->datum msg))
((dynamic-require '(lib "pretty.ss") 'pretty-print)
(->datum new))
(printf "--> ~s\n" (->datum new)))
(let ((old v))
(set! v new)
(when (eq? (->datum msg) ':expand*)
(if (equal? (->datum new) (->datum old))
(printf "--> ...\n")
(loop (expand-once v))))))
(_ #`'#,v)))))
;; shortcuts: each one calls the above with a message when used as -foo,
;; setting the expression first if it was used with one as in (-foo expr).
(define-syntaxes (-step -step* -expand -pp)
(apply values (map (lambda (msg)
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ expr) #'(begin (-test expr) _))
(_ #`(-test #,msg)))))
'(:expand-once :expand* :expand :pp))))
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!