[plt-scheme] Question about running an mzc compiled PLT Scheme 2.04 cgi script
> > It runs perfectly in a DOS window.
> >
> > When launched from IIS via a URL, e.g.
> > I get the following error:
> >
> > delete-file: cannot delete file: "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\junk.tmp" (The
> > data is invalid.; errno=13)
> >
> > The script is supposed to delete the file junk.tmp which it does
> > when not launched by IIS.
> >
> > Any ideas of what's wrong?
> One possibility is rights. If the temporary file is not
> created by the web server then perhaps the user
> running the web server is not allowed to delete the
> file in question.
> If the file was created by the script then someting
> else is wrong.
ERRNO 13 is "Permission Denied".
If you check the "Properties" for your web application (e.g., if you start up the "Internet Services Manager", right-click on the appropriate web server name and select "Properties", then click on the "Home Directory" tab -- do you have "Write" access enabled?)