[plt-scheme] Book "Simply Scheme" Available Online

From: Jeff Stephens (jsteve17 at tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Sat Jul 26 08:04:43 EDT 2003

  As much as I use my local library, I was unaware, until a few days ago, that it had a 
subscription to a service called "Netlibrary."  All I had to do was call the main branch and
have them arrange for me to have access by giving me a user name and password.  Once
inside, I discovered that the book "Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science" by
Harvey and Wright, MIT Press, 1999, was available.  Just thought I'd pass this along.

  If your local library offers this service, I highly recommend it.  The web address is
www.netlibrary.com , but you won't be able to use it until you have a username and

Jeff Stephens
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