[plt-scheme] DrScheme vs. multiple collections directories

From: Bertrand Petit (plt-s at phoe.frmug.org)
Date: Mon Feb 3 05:24:37 EST 2003

	It seems that DrScheme does not like having multiple distinct
collections directories. I setup a test collection directories like

$ ls -RF ~/plt-collects

essai.scm       info.ss

The two collection members are simple test modules:

$ cat ~/plt-collects/essai/essai.scm 
;; essai.scm

(module essai mzscheme
        (provide (*essai-defined*))
  (define *essai-defined* #t))

;; EOF
$ cat ~/plt-collects/essai/info.ss 
;; -*- scheme -*-
;; info.ss

(module info (lib "infotab.ss" "setup") 
  (define name "essai-collect"))

;; EOF

This new battlefield was then added to the PLTCOLLECTS environment
variable and tested with mzscheme and MrEd (MrEd transcript omited),
this proved to be a correct setup:

$ mzscheme
Welcome to MzScheme version 203.1, Copyright (c) 1995-2003 PLT
> (require (lib "essai.scm" "essai"))
> *essai-defined*

I then fired DrScheme and it exploded in my hands, complaining about
the syntax of the info.ss file through two successive alerts and two
messages on stderr, halting after that:

$ drscheme3m
/home/elrond/plt-collects/essai/info.ss:4:40: infotab-module: not a well-formed definition at:   in: (#%module-begin   (define name "essai-collect"))
/home/elrond/plt-collects/essai/info.ss:4:40: infotab-module: not a well-formed definition at:   in: (#%module-begin   (define name "essai-collect"))

I also tried to add the new collection directory by alterting the
current-library-collection-paths parameter in .mredrc[1] with the same
effect. So it seems there is a bug somewhere in 203.1-cvs17jan2003.

[1] The DrScheme and many other scripts exec mred with the -q options.
Why? The rc file is a handy place to compulationaly set the collection
paths for both mzscheme and mred. That was my first move when setting
a new collection directory and was disapointed that I had to use
environment variables or alter the drscheme{3m} wraper scripts. I also
was disapointed that no system-wide initialization file was evaluated
at interpreter startup.

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