[plt-scheme] define-union
Or you can use (define-union snark (foo bar number) like this:
(define-macro define-union
(lambda (name types)
(if (not (list? tu
(define (add-? s)
(if (not (symbol? s))
(error 'define-union "~a is not a data type" s))
(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string s) "?")))
(let ([discriminators (map add-? types)]
[final-descriminator (add-? name)])
(define (with-handlers-discriminators)
(define (iter discs)
(if (empty? discs)
(cons `(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda args (error
'define-union "~a is not a data type discriminator"
,(car discs))
(iter (cdr discs)))))
(cons `list (iter discriminators)))
`(define ,final-descriminator
(let ([discs ,(with-handlers-discriminators)])
(define (check-discriminator f)
(if (not (and (procedure? f)
(procedure-arity-includes? f 1))) ; checks
that can be called with one argument
(error 'define-union "~a is not a data type
discriminator" f)))
(for-each check-discriminator discs)
(lambda (data)
(ormap (lambda (disc) (disc data)) discs)))))))
Hope there aren't any missing parens.
Jacob Matthews wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Anton van Straaten wrote:
>>How about modifying your spec slightly to allow this:
>> (define-union snark? (foo? bar? number?))
>>...which would allow you to use this:
>> (define-syntax define-union
>> (syntax-rules ()
>> ((_ name (pred ...))
>> (define (name x) (or (pred x) ...)))))
>>...which has the virtue of being very simple to implement and understand.
>If you modify the spec just a little more, you don't need a macro at all.
>You just need to be willing to use regular define rather than introducing
>the new keyword define-union.
>(define (union . predicates)
> (lambda (item) (ormap (lambda (f) (f item)) predicates)))
>(define snark? (union foo? bar? number?))
>>(snark? (make-foo 'a 'b))
>>(snark? (make-bar 'c 'b #f))
>>(snark? 453)
>>(snark? 'snark)
>>(snark? "I'm a snark! Honest!")
>If you want the error-detection Robby added in, you can use this ugly guy:
>(define (union . predicates)
> (let* ([nonpredicate?
> (lambda (p)
> (if (and (procedure? p)
> (procedure-arity-includes? p 1))
> #f
> p))]
> [bad-val (ormap nonpredicate? predicates)])
> (if (not bad-val)
> (lambda (item) (ormap (lambda (f) (f item)) predicates))
> (error 'union "not a predicate: ~e" bad-val))))
>>(snark? (make-foo 'a 'b))
>>(snark? (make-bar 'c 'b #f))
>>(snark? 453)
>>(snark? 'snark)
>>(snark? "I'm a snark! Honest!")
>>(define mistake? (union number? cons))
>union: not a predicate: #<primitive:cons>
>Not pretty, but it works.
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