[plt-scheme] Re: Catalogs 0.7
> I think I might be seeing something like what Shriram saw. I had it
> create a catalog of /usr/src, watched it frantically update the tree
> (bottom left pane), and got a file 2137993 bytes big. (I only run
> 'make clean' just *before* building.) It does well searching for
> expressions with only a few hits, but I gave up on .o$ after a few
> minutes. Just an experiment, my lazy man's guess is that it's too
> eager updating the display.
I think I've found the problem : to fill the lists, I use in Catalogs
the Append method.
For small lists, it's ok. But for very long list, It seems to
sollicitate a lot the garbage collector (with the test program below,
watch the GC icon flashing in DrScheme ...)
I didn't noticed this behavior, because cataloging CD-roms doesn't
produce very big catalogs.
I choosed to use Append, because I need to associate a data to each list
item, and the other method to populate a list (Set) doesn't allow this
directly : you have to sweep the list a second time to associate data
with each item. So I made the wrong choice ...
I just tested the two methods, and the second is much faster than the
Really easy to fix, just wait for Catalogs 0.8 !
About UI : I really appreciate the tab-panel% class introduced in 202.3
(finalized in 203 ?)
Could it be possible to have also :
- toggle-button% ( -> toolbars), because I didn't figure how to do it
with the standard button% class.
- horizontal scroll-bar for lists ?
Martial Tarizzo
(module list-filling-test mzscheme
(require (lib "class.ss")
(lib "mred.ss" "mred"))
; number of items in the list
(define nmax 10000)
(define (rev-iota n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons n (rev-iota (- n 1)))))
(define w
(instantiate frame% ()
(label "List-filling test")
(width 300)
(height 500)))
(define lb (instantiate list-box% ()
(label "test list")
(parent w)
(lambda (l e)
(send w set-status-text
(send lb get-data
(send lb get-selection))))))
(choices '())))
(define hp
(instantiate horizontal-panel% (w)
(alignment '(center center))
(stretchable-height #f)))
(instantiate button%
("With Append" hp (lambda (b e)
(send lb set '())
(do ((i nmax (- i 1)))
((= i 0) #f)
(send lb append
(number->string i) i)))))
(instantiate button%
("With Set" hp (lambda (b e)
(send lb set (map number->string (rev-iota nmax)))
(do ((i nmax (- i 1)))
((= i 0) #f)
(send lb set-data (- nmax i) i)))))
(send w create-status-line)
(send w show #t))