[plt-scheme] I want the old help desk back

From: Paul Steckler (steck at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 1 21:32:00 EDT 2002

Benderjg2 at aol.com wrote:
> It seems some browsers choke on frames in the help desk.

I'm not aware of display problems with frames in any browser when 
displaying the main part of Help Desk.  In some browsers, there 
are problems with the incremental logging output when manuals are 
installed.  That has the fix I mentioned earlier -- a separate
browser window for the output log.

> 2. If google doesn't need frames, why does the help desk?

As mentioned in an earlier response, Google's lack of frames 
makes navigation clumsy.  We thought about a separate search
window, which would have obviated frames, but that was quickly
shouted down.

-- Paul (who is probably done with this thread)

Posted on the users mailing list.