[plt-scheme] New Help Desk doesn't start

From: Paul Steckler (steck at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Aug 3 10:35:44 EDT 2002

Robert Matovinovic wrote:
> I just downloaded and installed DrScheme 201. So far I can see =
> everything works fine but the Help Desk. If I click the menu item in =
> DrScheme or try to start Help Desk.exe directly I get the following =
> error messages:
> DrScheme internal error:=20
> shell-execute: execute failed for: =
> "" (Das System kann die angegebene =
> Datei nicht finden.; errno=3D2)
> The system cannot find the file.

I find that occasionally Windows gets into an inconsistent state where
the Win32 ShellExecute() function doesn't work.  It seems to be a 
Windows bug, not a DrScheme problem.

I hate to ask it, but does rebooting help?

-- Paul

Posted on the users mailing list.