[racket-dev] The repository is now split

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 4 11:15:36 EST 2014

Is this the expected behavior: 

> $ git clone git:plt plt2
> $ cd plt2/
> $ make
> raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---

> raco setup: --- checking package dependencies ---
> make install-common-last
> make fix-paths
> if [ "" != "" ]; then \
>           if [ "" = "" ]; then \
>             racket/racketcgc -G /Users/matthias/plt2/build/config -u \
>               "../../collects/setup/unixstyle-install.rkt" \
>               make-install-destdir-fix "../.." \
>               "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/bin" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/collects" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/doc" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/lib" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/include" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/lib" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/share" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/etc" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/share/applications" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/man" "yes"; \
>           fi \
>         fi
> make preserve-raco-pkg-default-scope
> :
> cp "../COPYING-libscheme.txt" "../COPYING_LESSER.txt" "../COPYING.txt" "/Users/matthias/plt2/racket/share"/
> if racket/bin/racket -G build/config -I racket/base -e '(case (system-type) [(macosx) (exit 0)] [else (exit 1)])' ; then make native-from-git ; fi
> if [ ! -d native-pkgs/racket-win32-i386 ]; then make complain-no-submodule ; fi
> : ================================================================
> : Native packages are not in the expected subdirectory. Probably,
> : you need to use 'git submodule init' and 'git submodule update' to get
> : the submodule for native packages.
> : ================================================================
> exit 1
> make[3]: *** [complain-no-submodule] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [native-from-git] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [plain-in-place] Error 2
> make: *** [in-place] Error 2
> [:~/plt2] matthias% 

On Dec 4, 2014, at 10:51 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <samth at cs.indiana.edu> wrote:

> I've just push a change to the plt repository that removes almost all
> the packages.
> The split repositories are all in the `racket` organization on GitHub.
> You can see them here: https://github.com/racket/
> I *highly* recommend creating a new clone of the repository, and
> re-running `make`. This will install all of the packages in
> "main-distribution" and "main-distribution-test" from the package
> catalog.
> There are a number of problems with the current Makefile setup, which
> we're working on fixing, but which you'll need to know about for a
> little while (hopefully not more than today).
> * If you specify an explicit set of PKGS on the `make` command line,
> that will NOT work.
> * If you have user-installed Planet packages, there may be errors.
> If you encounter other errors, please let me know, either by replying
> or by finding me on IRC.
> If you run `make` and then you want to edit and commit to a package
> such as "rackunit", run the following commands inside your git
> checkout:
>  $ mkdir extra-pkgs
>  $ cd extra-pkgs
>  $ raco pkg update --clone rackunit
> That will create a git checkout in the extra-pkgs/rackunit directory.
> The `extra-pkgs` directory is set up to be ignored by the top-level
> git checkout, so it's a good place to put package checkouts.
> This will almost certainly break our continuous integration systems
> for a little while, but I'm working to get that fixed.
> Everyone should feel free to commit to the split repositories or to
> the main repository at this point -- we do not plan any git surgery
> that would be harmed by that.
> I'd especially like to thank Jay and Matthew for working hard to help
> with this, including fixing things I've broken. :)
> Sam
> _________________________
>  Racket Developers list:
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

Posted on the dev mailing list.