[racket-dev] experiment reorganizing the repo into packages

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Tue Jun 4 06:49:47 EDT 2013

Yesterday, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Mon, 3 Jun 2013 10:36:51 -0400, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> > (BTW, a possible source of confusion: I'm assuming that
> > distribution must be done via archives and not via repository
> > specs, since there should be some way to put the compiled files in
> > there.
> I don't think that's the right assumption. We want it to have
> packages that combine source with built entities, but I don't think
> we want to require it. Requiring it would break the way GitHub
> repositories are meant to be used as packages.

But they are required for all non-source things anyway, right?  And
given that the plt packages have binary distributions, then they
should be someplace else anyway.

If the sources *do* come from the repository, how does it get a
specific version that corresponds to whatever was distributed in
binary form?  If I have v1.2.3 installed, and it came with web server
as precompiled zo files, and I install the source -- how do I get that
specific version of the source?  The only thing I can think of is
relying on tags but that's a bad assumption since it assumes that
package owners keep and maintain the proper tags, and the release
should come with adding tags in all of these repos -- and that
contradicts letting people do whatever they want to do.

This is going further off-current-topic, but when I talked to Ryan
about possibilities for revising the release process, I thought that
the thing that makes most sense is that at the branch creation time
(which still happens as usual in the core package repo), package
owners hand over a sha1 that corresponds to their recent version.
That gets used by the build (possibly via a meta-repo that has these
sha1s as submodule specifications) script which gets these versions to
build the packages.  The equivalent of me making a "merge this commit"
request is now turning into asking Ryan to change my sha1 to a newer
one, and Ryan can now use a diff between the two sha1s to review the
changes that I made.  The main point here is that it makes the package
repositories be completely independent: package maintainers can keep a
`release' branch and release tags if they want, or they can avoid the
whole thing.  And in fact I think that the much more common case would
be to not having a release branch etc.

But going back to the on-topic point: this whole plan assumes that the
sha1 is what gets used to pull the content and build zipped package

> > You've mentioned at some point a "binary catalog" which seems
> > unnecessary to me, but maybe there's something I don't get here.)
> Yes, binary packages are another way to address the underlying
> issue.
> I'm going to try to synthesize the progress and discussion so far in
> a new message, and hopefully I'll managed to explain binary packages
> this time around.

It would be good to take the above into account, as another reason for
doing this which is independent of actual binary files.

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

Posted on the dev mailing list.