[racket-dev] how to disable intra-module constant inlining?
> If you compile "a.rkt" normally and set
> `compile-context-preservation-enabled' to #f for"b.rkt", then `f' will
> not be inlined (because inlining is disabled), but `c' will still be
> replaced with 10.
This is odd then, because I thought I had tried this yesterday and
still observed inlining. Let me try again...
#lang racket/base
(require compiler/zo-parse
(define (test b)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]
(compile-enforce-module-constants b))
(eval (compile '(module foo-1 '#%kernel
(#%provide a)
(define-values (a) 'hello))))
(define bytecode (compile '(module foo-2 '#%kernel
(#%require 'foo-1)
(display a)
(define op (open-output-bytes))
(write bytecode op)
(decompile (zo-parse (open-input-bytes (get-output-bytes op))))))
> (test #t)
'(begin (module foo-2 .... (display 'hello) (newline)))
> (test #f)
'(begin (module foo-2 .... (display |_a@(quote foo-1)|) (newline)))
So maybe I'm hallucinating (again). I confirm that
compile-enforce-module-constants is working here. I'll need to look
at why it didn't appear as effective in the context of Whalesong;
perhaps I'd set up the parameterization incorrectly.